About Me

I find it incredibly hard to talk about myself sometimes, but here goes: I am a student that's deeply involved in my studies. I play several games and I love to write. Enjoy!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Vacation

Yes--it's that time of year.

The Holy Grail of laziness. The Cornucopia of "I don't care, I'm going back to bed".
Summer. Vacation.

And I won't lie. I neeeeed it.

Oh Wizard101 Blog-O-Sphere, how I have missed you! And there's SO MUCH we need to catch up on. I won't state the obvious (coughWintertuskWaterworksNewPetsNewSpellsNewMegaBundleNewGiftCardPetscough), but I will say that I have a lot to talk about--but not all in one post. Let me say that this is more or less an introduction to the Summer Editions of the Midmorning Owl--Bringing you breaking news from across the Spiral*!
*Mainly having to do with its author, me.

I have a ton of projects I need to accomplish this year and I hope you'll stick around and hear me drone on all about them. Let me first tell you that I finally--yes, after...a very long time (I forgot to count..)..I have finally finished my Celestial Observatory--and it only took me 5 minutes. Whew! You can expect a video sometime this weekend/next week.

I also finally got around to leveling my Death wizard (something I've been shoving behind me), and I have a video with both--yes, both--of his Level 58 quests. It's kinda long and I kinda need to upload it still, so you can expect that later as well!

So I hope I didn't lose you all over my hiatus, and I hope to bring you another post soon!